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Support Your Little One's Intelligence with Appropriate Nutrition

Hai Mother, you should know the important stages in the life of your child. One of them, Mother must know that at the age of 1-5 years is a golden period to optimize the intelligence of the Little One. When compared to other age stages, in the golden period, the ability of the Small to absorb information more leverage. Generally, parents who measure the Little One's intelligence from cognitive abilities, such as stringing words, counting, and knowing objects. Try to change that method. Little intelligence is not only measured by the intelligence of the mind or also known as intelligence intelligence. From now on, Mother must measure the intelligence of the Little One from the synergy of intelligence, physical, and social intelligence. What is the intelligence, physical, and social intelligence of the little one? Intellect intelligence is also called mental intelligence includes the ability of children to communicate, solve problems, think clearly, and critically. Word smart, number smart, picture smart, nature smart, and music smart. Physical intelligence is closely related to motor development, commonly called a smart body. Physical intelligence can be seen from the ability of the Little One in exploring nature or often called Nature Smart. While social intelligence is the ability of the Little One to interact with the social environment and control oneself. Each intelligence is equally important and must be supported by an equal portion. However, different support is needed to optimize the three types of intelligence. Here are the supports that Mother should pay attention to optimizing all three:

Support for Intellect Intelligence

  1. Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3 & 6)

  2. DHA (Docosehaxaenoic Acid) and AA (Arachidonic Acid) are part of a long chain of essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6. Omega 3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid) and Omega 6 (linoleic acid) are important for the process of observing and thinking This small, can not be produced by the body. You can get it from salmon, tuna, shrimp, shellfish, walnuts, soybeans, and olive oil.
  3. Choline

  4. Choline is a nutrient needed for brain development and memory function. In addition, choline helps the brain's communication processes with other organs in the body. Food sources that contain choline include eggs, fortified milk, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and soybeans.
  5. Iron

  6. Iron is important in the production and maintenance of myelin, the fat layer that covers and protects nerves. In addition, iron is also needed in making hemoglobin, myogoblin, hormones, and connective tissue. Food sources of iron include green vegetables, beans, poultry and lean beef.
  7. Vitamin A

  8. Children aged 1-3 years need vitamin A intake of 400 micrograms per day (AKG, 2013). Vitamin A is needed to support visual function and help protect the body from infections and diseases. Vitamin A also supports the growth of bones, teeth and soft tissue. Make sure your child consumes carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, and red peppers to get enough vitamin A intake.

Support for Physical Intelligence

  1. Protein

  2. Protein is an important component in every cell of the body. As much as 15 percent of our energy if sourced from protein. Therefore, protein is an essential component that will help your child grow actively. The best source of protein for the Little One is nuts, beef, poultry, eggs and milk.
  3. Alpha-lactalbumin

  4. Alpha-lactalbumin is a whey protein consisting of about 20% of the total digestible protein content. This protein can increase mineral absorption and stimulate function and have a prebiotic effect. Alfa Lactalbumin is found in many meat, poultry, fish, eggs and fortified milk.

Support for Social Intelligence

Give your little one affection and attention and appreciate the positive things he does. In addition, give him the opportunity to interact with friends so that his communication skills increase. Continue to support the synergy of the intellectual, physical, and social intelligence of your children with the best stimulation and nutrition for them according to their age.


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